Learning Health Education for Grade 1 Elementary School: Maintaining Cleanliness and a Healthy Lifestyle from an Early Age

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Health Education for Grade 1 Elementary School

Health Education is a very important subject and is taught to students since grade 1 of Elementary School (SD). Through this learning, children are introduced to ways to live a healthy lifestyle, maintain personal and environmental hygiene, and understand how important it is to maintain a healthy body. The main goal is to build good awareness from an early age so that children will grow into healthy and strong individuals.

1. Introduction to Health Education

Health Education helps children understand how to maintain a healthy body. In this lesson, they learn about personal hygiene, healthy food, exercise, and how to prevent disease.

2. Personal Hygiene

One of the basic materials taught is the importance of maintaining personal hygiene. Some healthy habits that are emphasized include:

o Washing Hands: Before and after eating, after going to the toilet, and after playing.

o Bathing Twice a Day: To keep the body clean and fresh.

o Brushing Teeth: Every morning and evening to maintain dental health.

o Cutting Nails: At least once a week so that nails stay clean and do not become a place for germs to gather.

3. Healthy Eating Patterns

Children are also taught about healthy foods that support body growth. Some of the basic principles taught include:

o Nutritious Food: Eat vegetables, fruits, rice, fish, and milk.

o Avoid Random Snacks: Do not buy food that is dirty or uncovered.

o Drink Water: Meet fluid needs by drinking 6-8 glasses of water every day.

4. The Importance of Exercise

Students are encouraged to be active and exercise. Recommended physical activities include:

o Playing Outdoors: Being active such as running, jumping, or playing ball.

o Simple Gymnastics: Moving the body to maintain fitness.

o Stretching: Teaching the importance of stretching the body before and after playing.

5. Disease Prevention

This learning also includes how to prevent disease, including:

o Covering the Mouth and Nose: When sneezing or coughing to prevent the spread of disease.

o Using a Mask: When sick to protect friends.

o Cleaning the Environment: Throwing trash in its place and keeping the classroom clean.

6. The Importance of Adequate Rest

Students are taught that adequate sleep and rest are very important for maintaining a healthy body. Children are reminded to:

o Sleep on Time at Night: Minimum 8 hours a day.

o Nap: To restore energy after studying.

7. Practical Health Education Activities for Grade 1 Elementary School

To make learning more interesting, teachers often invite children to participate in the following activities:

o Hand Washing Simulation: Teaching the six steps of proper hand washing.

o Drawing Healthy Food: Children draw fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious foods.

o Joint Exercise: Doing light exercise movements in the schoolyard.

o Classroom Cleanliness: Working together to keep the classroom tables, chairs, and floors clean.

8. Examples of Healthy Lifestyles Around Us

Children are invited to observe healthy lifestyles in their environment, such as:

o Teachers and friends who bring healthy food to school.

o Parents who remind them to wash their hands before eating.

o Neighbors who diligently clean their yard.


Learning Health Education from an early age is very beneficial for children in understanding the importance of maintaining cleanliness and health of the body. By following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and preventing disease, children will grow into strong, healthy, and happy people. Hopefully this article can help children and parents to better understand the importance of Health learning in grade 1 of elementary school!