Learning Natural Sciences for Grade 2 Elementary School: Getting to Know the Environment and Living Things

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Natural Science (IPA) is a subject that allows children to better understand the world around them. Since entering grade 2 of elementary school, students begin to learn to recognize various aspects of nature, including plants, animals, celestial bodies, and how to protect the environment.

Through science learning, children are encouraged to observe, ask questions, and conduct simple experiments. The goal is for them to grow into individuals who care about nature and have a deep sense of curiosity.

1. Getting to Know Living Things and Their Environment

In grade 2 of elementary school, students are taught to distinguish between living things and inanimate objects.

Characteristics of Living Things

Children are introduced to various characteristics of living things, such as:

-Breathing: For example, humans breathe through their lungs, while fish use gills.

– Moving: Animals have the ability to move, either by walking, flying, or swimming.

– Reproducing: Every living thing has a way to reproduce its offspring; for example, chickens lay eggs and cats give birth.

– Needing food and drink: All living things need food intake to survive.

Differences Between Animals and Plants

Children are also taught to understand the differences between animals and plants. Animals can move freely, while plants have limited movement, such as leaves that face the sunlight.

2. Getting to Know the Parts of the Human Body and Their Functions

Children begin to learn about their own body parts and their functions, such as:

– Head: The place where the eyes are for seeing, ears for hearing, nose for smelling, and mouth for eating and talking.

– Hands: Functions to hold, feel, and write.

– Feet: Used for walking, running, and jumping.

They are also taught the importance of maintaining body hygiene, such as washing hands before eating, brushing their teeth twice a day, and bathing regularly.

3. Getting to Know the Environment and the Importance of Maintaining It

Students also begin to understand the importance of maintaining a clean environment. Some of the concepts taught include:

Types of Environment

– Natural Environment: Examples are forests, rivers, and mountains.

– Artificial Environment: Such as parks, ponds, and roads.

How to Protect the Environment

– Throwing garbage in its place: To keep the environment clean and healthy.

– Saving water and electricity: By turning off taps and unused lights.

– Planting trees: To maintain air quality and prevent flooding.

4. Getting to Know Celestial Objects and Weather

In grade 2 of elementary school, students begin to learn about celestial objects and weather phenomena.

– Sun: The main source of light that facilitates plant growth and provides warmth.

– Moon and Stars: Can be seen at night and function to illuminate the dark sky.


Children learn to identify different types of weather, such as:

– Sunny: When the sky is blue with bright sunlight.

– Rain: The process by which water falls from the sky, usually accompanied by dark clouds.

– Cloudy: When the sky is covered in clouds but it is not raining.

They also learn how weather affects daily activities, such as using an umbrella when it rains or wearing a hat when the weather is hot.

5. Simple Experiments in Science

To make learning more interesting, teachers often invite children to do simple experiments, such as:

Plant Growth Experiment

Children plant green beans on wet cotton and observe the process of their growth into sprouts. This gives them a better understanding of plant growth.

Melting and Freezing Experiment

With the help of ice cubes, they learn about the process of ice melting when exposed to heat and how water can freeze when cooled.


Learning science in grade 2 of elementary school gives children an understanding of living things, the human body, the environment, and the weather. By studying natural sciences, they become more sensitive to the surrounding environment and learn the importance of maintaining cleanliness and preserving nature.

With simple observations and experiments, children are invited to practice critical thinking and foster a deep sense of curiosity. Hopefully, science lessons can be the first step for them to continue to love and protect the universe!