Learning Mathematics for Grade 1 Elementary School: Basic Concepts and Teaching Tips

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Elementary School Grade 1 Mathematics:

Introduction to Basic Concepts for Children

Mathematics is an important subject that is introduced from an early age, including to children in grade 1 of elementary school (SD). At this stage, math lessons are designed to be easy to understand and fun, thereby building a strong foundation for understanding more complex concepts in the future. This article will discuss various basic mathematical concepts taught in grade 1 elementary school as well as tips for teaching mathematics to children.

1. Introduction to Numbers and Numbers

The first lesson in grade 1 mathematics is the introduction of numbers. Children are taught to recognize numbers from up to 10 first, then gradually increase to 100.

Counting numbers:

Masters usually teach children to count using real objects such as marbles, blocks, or pictures.

Writing numbers:

Children also learn how to write numbers correctly, starting with simple numbers.

Get to know the sequence of numbers:

The concept of sequence, such as numbers before and after, is also important for building an understanding of number patterns.

2. Simple Addition and Subtraction

Once children understand numbers, they begin to learn basic mathematical operations, namely addition and subtraction.


Masters often use visual methods, such as images of apples or fingers, to help children understand the concept of “add”.


The concept of subtraction is taught in the same way, by showing the subtraction of certain objects or pictures.

Story questions:

Simple word problems are also introduced to help children relate mathematics to everyday life.

Problems example:

“Ani had 3 apples, then she bought 2 more apples. How many apples does Ani have now?”

3. Introduction to Shapes and Patterns

Children in grade 1 of elementary school are also introduced to basic shapes such as:





Masters often use games or real objects to introduce these shapes, such as matching pieces of paper with a certain pattern.

Patterns are also introduced so that children learn to identify certain sequences, for example:

red, blue, red, blue… What color is next?

4. Learning Time and Measurement

Understanding the concept of time and measurement is also an important part of grade 1 math lessons.


Children learn to read simple sticks (full stick and half stick) and recognize days, weeks, and months.


Children are introduced to length (short and long), weight (light and heavy), and volume (full and empty).

Masters often use aids such as toy sticks and simple rulers to teach these concepts.

5. Learn to Compare and Order

Children also learn to compare two things, such as:

Bigger and smaller

Longer and shorter

More and less

Example question:

“Which is longer, Ani’s pencil or Budi’s ruler?”

Tips for Teaching Mathematics to 1st Graders

Make the learning atmosphere fun

Use games, songs, or interactive activities so that children do not get bored.

Use concrete objects

Children find it easier to understand abstract concepts such as numbers and mathematical operations if they can see or touch real objects.

Give story problems

Story problems help children connect mathematics with everyday life, so that concepts become more real.

Give praise and motivation

Don’t forget to give praise when children succeed in solving problems or understanding new concepts. This will increase their self-confidence.

Consistency and repetition

Repetition of concepts helps children remember the material better. Make sure they have enough time to practice.


1st grade elementary school math lessons are the first step for children to learn numbers, basic operations, shapes, time, and comparisons. With the right approach and a fun learning atmosphere, children can understand basic mathematical concepts well. Teachers and parents have an important role in accompanying children so that they feel confident and enjoy learning mathematics.

With a strong foundation, children will be better prepared to face math lessons at a higher level. Hopefully this article helps teachers and parents in teaching math to 1st grade elementary school children!